Whilst these healing forms are for all of us, I am addressing this directly to the parents and other family members whose beautiful children have been, and are being, stolen by the State. This is written from my heart and soul to yours.
It is my loving intention to attempt to bring some measure of peace and healing to and for all of us experiencing the suffering caused by the State stealing of our children.
I know from my own experience and from those with whom I have had the privilege to assist, that these forms of healing work and can work in truly miraculous ways, in all forms of circumstance. All we have to do is to open ourselves up to the possibility of their potential.
If I put myself in the place of a parent whose child has been stolen, the first thing I experience is the extreme anxiety of not knowing how my children are and what they may be suffering, and of how terrible it must be for them to be isolated from the people they trust. And then the stress of not being able to communicate with them, the worry over not being able to protect them, the powerlessness of not being able to affect change and the desperate overwhelming agony of feeling trapped in a system that cares only for the carrying out of the State's agenda.
You may wish to follow the guidance in this Place of Healing Meditation to prepare you for engaging with these four forms of healing. Click here http://livingasyoursoul.com/videos and scroll down the page. (You can follow the guidance and engage with these forms of healing once you have reached your Place Of Healing, or when you have reached the end of the meditation).
And I would suggest that you read through to the end of each of these forms of healing before you begin. Perhaps you and your partner, or a friend, could take it in turns to read these out to each other. (I will be recording these for next Monday's and subsequent Healing Meditations on the Richie Allen Show).
You can engage with these forms of healing as many times a day as you choose.
Perhaps the first thing you'd want to do is to open up a form of communication with your children, to reassure them, to tell them all the things that you are being prevented from saying to them:
1. Get into a comfortable sitting or lying position and take the time you need to breathe, nice and gently into your body, into your belly, until you can feel your Self begin to relax. - (You can follow the guidance in this Place of Healing Meditation and engage with this next part once you have reached your Place Of Healing, or when you have reached the end of the meditation. Use this link and scroll down the page http://livingasyoursoul.com/videos)
2. Take your attention to your heart centre (just behind your sternum) and allow your Self to begin to see, sense feel or know a beautiful emerald green energy begin to become present. And now, gently allow this energy to emanate out from your heart centre like a shining shaft of emerald green crystal.
3. Keep allowing this magnificent energy of your beautiful heart to grow further and further out from your heart centre, whilst you take your attention to the energy of your child. You may see, sense, feel or know the energy of your child as a coloured light, an image of their face, or a knowing that their energy is always with yours. However you are aware of the energy of your beloved child, just gently allow the beautiful emerald green energy from your heart centre to connect with their heart centre. Bask in this connection for as long as you choose.
4. Through this heart energy connection you have made with your beloved child, you can say and send whatever you wish your child to hear, know and feel. Take as long as you like. If tears come, let them flow and just keep breathing into your heart centre, and whenever you're ready you can continue, or begin again.
Your children, consciously or not, will see, sense, know or feel this connection and communication that you are making with them. You can then immediately follow with this:
All of us are afforded care and protection from the all powerful energy of the Cosmos. However, we need to consciously connect with this energy to experience it. And we can also do this for our children.
If you are not immediately following on from the previous healing, then just get into a comfortable sitting or lying position and take the time you need to breathe, nice and gently into your body, into your belly. until you can feel your Self begin to relax. - (You can follow the guidance in this Place of Healing Meditation and engage with this next part once you are in your Place Of Healing, or at the end of the meditation http://livingasyoursoul.com/videos).
1. Gently allow your Self to see, sense, feel or know the energy of your child. You may see, sense, feel or know the energy of your child as a coloured light, an image of their face, or a knowing that their energy is always with yours. However you are aware of the energy of your beloved child, just let your Self feel the profound love that you have for your beloved child. Rest in this for as long as you choose.
2. In the sacred space that lies between the energy of you and the energy of your child, gently allow your Self to see, sense, feel or know a shimmering golden energy begin to arise and become present around your child, surrounding your child in a halo like glow of beautiful, powerful golden energy.
3. Let your Self see, sense, feel or know your beautiful child moving around within this golden halo of powerful energy. And notice how this halo of golden energy moves in accordance with your child's movements. You may also become aware of how much stronger your child appears and experiences themselves to be.
4. Set your lovefull and healing intentions for that which this golden halo of energy will be for your child. Perhaps you will intend that your child will always feel and know how much you love them, that they will always have a connection with, a knowing of, their strength and resilience, and that this golden halo of energy will keep them safe from external or physical harm.
Take as long as you like, and make as many lovefull, healing intentions as you choose. If tears come, let them flow and just keep breathing into your heart centre, and whenever you're ready you can continue, or begin again.
Children, especially very young children are much more consciously aware than, generally speaking, we their parents are. Everything is energy. We can choose to consciously connect and commune with it, to experience the extraordinary effects of its power, or not!
When we are feeling overwhelmed with loss, grief, anxiety and just don't know which way to turn or what to do next, then we can call upon the love, power and strength of the Cosmos to profoundly help and heal us. Having your back up against the proverbial wall is often what it takes for us to surrender to our connection with the power of the all.
The outcomes of this form of healing may very well be unexpected and can also seem to be somewhat miraculous, a sort of 'How on earth has that come about?' or 'How did that happen'? I, together with those that I have shared this with can certainly attest to this!
The power of this form of healing lies in the cessation of any restriction or control mechanisms that we, consciously or not, place upon ourselves, therefore surrendering us into the power of the Cosmos. This is not a surrender of our free will, but a surrender of our will to control outcome in our lives, as every time we attempt to control outcome, we automatically restrict the power, love and healing available to us from the Cosmos.
This form of healing can appear to be deceptively simple. However, remember, the difference between complexity and complication is simplicity.
If you are not immediately following on from the previous healing, you can follow the guidance in
this Place of Healing Meditation and engage with this next part once you are in your Place Of Healing http://livingasyoursoul.com/videos
1. Stand up, barefoot, eyes closed. Settle into your body and gently move your arms and legs a little. Stand still again, and breathe nice and gently, deeply into your whole body. Adjust your stance so that your spine is straight, (you may find that a slight forward tilt of your pelvis will naturally straighten your spine), let your shoulders drop, let your chin lift slightly, and let your arms, knees and legs relax. Move your arms an inch or two away from your body, and turn them until your palms are facing outwards.
You may begin to feel a growing sensation of being bigger, or taller, or stronger, or more in your Presence. This is because you have entered into the healing stance of supplication, which is the acknowledgement of your presence as its power. You are acknowledging your power as an integral part of the power of the All. Take a nice gentle breath.
2. Repeat silently or quietly the words, 'Help me, help me, help me, help me', for at least a minute. Repeat this very quickly, with the words almost overlapping each other, and with no room for dramatic expression. You'll begin to become aware that as you make this repetition, your mind begins to empty, you become more aware of your presence and, in time, a feeling of deep peace or serenity begins to fill you. This state arises because you are now, neither consciously nor unconsciously, making demands of anyone or anything, nor attaching your Self, attaching your energy to any outcomes. And so, you are allowing your self to enter into the space, into the presence of sacred creation. Your presence becomes that of All presence.
The more you repeat, 'Help me, help me, help me, help me', the easier it becomes to 'let go and let god'. In other words you enter into your oneness, into your state of profound union with and for all. This is the space in which miracles are made.
If tears come, let them flow, and when you are ready, just return to your repetition of 'Help me, help me, help me, help me'. When you become aware of experiencing some peace or softness or deep relaxation, then take another nice gentle breath, open your eyes and carry on with your day.
When experiencing extended and acute stress, it's very easy to forget to ask for help, and it's even easier to get into a state of not being able to see the woods for the trees. And yet the act of asking for help is one of the most powerful ways we can experience our creation and healing power. For not only do we open ourselves up to receive support, we also open ourselves up to connecting with new ideas and avenues of assistance that were previously unknown to us. Any one of which could help reduce our stress, increase our healing and expand our power.
Just get into a comfortable sitting or lying position and take the time you
need to breathe, nice and gently into your body, into your belly until
you can feel your Self begin to relax. - (You can follow the guidance in
this Place of Healing Meditation and engage with this next part once
you have reached your Place Of Healing, or when you have reached the
end of the meditation. http://livingasyoursoul.com/videos)
1. Take your attention to your heart centre (just behind your sternum) and allow your Self to begin to see, sense feel or know a beautiful emerald green energy begin to become present. And now, gently allow this energy to emanate out from your heart centre like a shining shaft of emerald green crystal.
2. Keep allowing this magnificent energy of your beautiful heart to grow further and further out from your heart centre, whilst you take your attention to the energies of each of the people that you already know that you desire to connect with. You may see, sense, feel or know these energies as coloured lights, images of their faces, or a knowing that their energies are always with yours. However you are aware of the energies of those that you desire to connect with, just gently offer, gently present, one by one, the beautiful emerald green energy from your heart centre to make a connection with their heart centres. Rest in this connection for as long as you choose.
3. And now, take your attention to the energies of all those who are willing to be of service to and for you, and to those that perhaps you have yet to know or meet. Just trust what comes to you. You may become aware of the energy of some, whom you never thought would be willing to help, you may become aware of the energies of others that you do not yet know. Just allow your Self to trust that if their energies are now present it is because they are willing to be of service to and for you.
may see, sense, feel or know these energies as coloured
lights, images of their faces, or a knowing that their energies are in solidarity with yours. Whatever form your awareness takes, just gently offer, gently present, one by one, the beautiful emerald green energy from your heart
centre to make a connection with their heart centres, and invite them to connect with you. Rest in this connection for
as long as you choose.
4. And now, allow the love that you always are, to arise in and flow from your heart centre, through your beautiful, shining shaft of emerald green crystal into each of the heart centres of the people with whom you have connected.
5. And then, allow the energy of your request for their assistance to arise in and flow from your heart centre, through your emerald green crystal into each of their heart centres. Remember, you don't need to force or push, you are just offering, just inviting them to be of, to give of, their assistance.
Rather than be too specific or detailed, keep your requests for assistance open. This allows for other possibilities and solutions to arise. Remember, they may have more effective ideas on how to affect best outcome! Take a nice gentle breath.
6. And now, take your attention to your heart centre and gently allow your Self to feel, sense, see or know the help, assistance, support and love that is now being offered to you. Really allow your self to receive this. Breathe in this loving and lovefull support, assistance and help. And as you receive this you may become aware of your beautiful heart expanding and growing to encompass all these magnificent expressions of love and support for you. Rest in this.
And when you are ready, make a note of who and what you've uncovered. Do you need to make a phone call? Do you need to send an email? Do you need to extend an invitation to meet? Act upon that which you can, and rest in the knowing that help is on its way.
The practice of engaging in and with Energy Healing Meditations of Creation is like any other practice, the more you engage, the more benefit you experience and exponentially accrue.
May this bring you some peace, some assistance, some healing.
With much love,
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Written by Kim Hutchison, Thursday May 19th, 2016